The pursuit of beatitude

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bitten by the B-B bug!

Tomorrow is a big day.. not a BIG day big day, but yeah, a day of slightly more importance than today and day after. I have a few committments, so I will be busy for the next 2-3 days, I'm guessing. If it were not for my incomparable dedication(*ahem*) to blogging daily, I would have happily taken a break for a few days. I get these blocks so often- writer's block, blogger's block, poet's block, homo-sapien's block(yeah, on a lot of occassions I have felt the need of stopping to be a human, and become a buffalo and go rest all day in a dirty pond somewhere).. so today is the blogger's block day. And like I said above, I'm busy.
But have you noticed how much can I ramble even when I'm having the B-B? I wonder what would happen if it weren't so. Maybe I'd have blogged a lenghty one on the art of crossing roads or something. Hmm. Now, now, don't you dare steal my idea for your next post! :P


At November 22, 2008 at 9:18 PM , Blogger Aarti... said...

"I'm a runner. I run from loneliness. I run from people. I run from pain. And then I run towards it. I run too fast sometimes, and at times I run too slow. But everytime I do run, I'm always left alone in the race. "

wow ! mazing lines :) its exactly how i would have described myself !

i m also a regular reader of "my dayz with my self" and i found your bloglink there..

At November 23, 2008 at 7:42 PM , Blogger beatnik said...

Until I wrote them down, I didn't know these lines would describe me so perfectly! Thanks for visiting :)


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