The pursuit of beatitude

Friday, February 20, 2009


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Voila! Mission meme accomplished

This is the first time I’ve taken up a meme. When I read Tia’s post, I thought, why not take up the challenge myself? Memes are the best cure for a writer’s block as well. And then, she assigned me a V.

Quick trivia: Did you know that V is an English alphabet, and that there are words, REAL words, that start with a ‘V’ as well?
The last time I used a V was way back in kindergarten.

Anyhow. Can’t back out now. So well, here are 10 things starting with a V that I love. Or like, as the case maybe. In no particular order-

1) Victory: No, not the Hurman S Baweja dud, silly. The original ‘V’ for Victory I’m talking about. Success, triumph. (Thank God for KG :D )

2) Variety: I’ve an ADD. I can’t concentrate on things that get all repetitive and boring for long. (Okay, I don’t HAVE an ADD per se, but I still can’t put up with monotony!)
3)Valiance: What a turn on. And you don’t necessarily have to battle the lion to win my heart, the courage to follow your heart is more than enough.

*4) Voodoo: Nope, doesn’t fall in the ‘I love’ category yet, though I would love to try it out and poke a couple of a-holes with the biggest needles possible.
*5) Vermins? Viruses? V-day? Ugh! These are on my hate list. Focus, woman!

4) VCDs: Movies, music, wedding CDs.. anything. I love VCDs. The free ones obviously. I don’t invest in CDs, duh. But I love to receive them for gifts and stack up my gifted CD rack.

5) Venice: 10 years ago it was right there on the top my ‘dream Honeymoon spots’; the list has been revised and re-revised since then, but Venice is still a dream get-away.

6) Violet: The color, the flowers. See, I’m so not girly!
7) VFX: Seriously, what would the world be without some visual effects!

8) Vocab: I’m a sucker for words. A guy with an extended vocab can have me in his pockets!

9) Van Helsing: No,actually, I meant Hugh Jackman, but unfortunately his name doesn’t begin with a V. Cut me some slack now. I got a V for Chrissake!
10) Vodka: ‘nuff said.

Now, try this challenge out, peeps. Don’t ask me to assign you a letter, though. I’m a sadist, I’ll give you a Z or an X for sure.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Morning Blues

If I remember correctly, this was the title of a small story we read in class 7(or 6 or 8). The protagonist was a kid who hated Mondays. Once, he got some homework to finish over the weekend, but due to his habit of procrastinating, he didn’t do it and realized this only on Sunday night. So then, it struck him to take help of the android his father had built, as the android was very smart. The boy asked his android to finish off his homework and went off to sleep. When he woke up next morning, all smug about his great idea, and checked the homework book, he was left terror-struck. The notebook was filled with random lines and indecipherable figures. He summoned the android and asked for an explanation. The android told him he didn’t know how to write. “So why didn’t you tell me last night itself?”, the boy cried. “Because you didn’t ask me this question.”, was the android’s simple reply. Then the story ends with the boy’s father lecturing him on something. I don’t quite remember the moral, since I hate being lectured.

Of course the above story has nothing to do with what this post is about. I was just wondering generally why Mondays are the most hated days of the week. Why not, say, a Wednesday or a Thursday? I could think of the following few reasons. Feel free to add more.

1) You hate your work to death. Monday is just a bad start for the upcoming dreadful week.
2) You love your work to death. This means that since Monday is already here, soon the dreadful weekend too will be around that’ll make you take a forced break from work.
3) In between. It means every Monday morning when you wake up, you wonder why you’re still in the shitty job that you’re in. You wonder about how long you’ll be stuck in that shithole, whether you’ll ever get a raise and whether you’ll die because of Global Warming or because of your job. All these thoughts will come to you only on Monday morning since after that you’ll return to your zombie mode and stop using your head for the rest of the week.

Possible reasons of why some folks might actually look forward to a Monday morning:

1) You hate your work to death. This means that since Monday is already here, soon the beloved weekend too will be around that’ll make you finally take the much awaited rest.
2) You love your work to death. Monday is just a good start for the upcoming and exciting, work-filled week.
3) In between. It means that every Monday morning when you wake up, you wonder if the cute girl you pinged last Friday will still be interested in chatting with you, whether there’ll be a free company sponsored dinner that night or whether you’re one of the lucky few who’ll escape the 10 hour load shedding during the day. All these thoughts will come to you only on Monday morning since after that you’ll return to your zombie mode and stop using your head for the rest of the week.

Lemme just say I share a love-hate relationship with MMs.